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Friday, February 21, 2014

Visiting Other Blogs!

I first visited Zoey’s blog, and commented on her post about Motion Math. I thought this was a great app filled with games to help students learn mental math. In one game, students can operate a pizzeria where they learn to add and subtract! I thought this was a great tool to help students with their math because it is a fun way to engage them and get them interested.
Connection to teaching: I would love using this as a racing game to help students with their mental math.
Next, I went to Kim’s blog and she had a post about using tablets in the classroom. I love the idea of implementing technology in the classroom and thought her post was great, especially because she listed fun apps that had to do with art because she wants to teach that. There are so many interactive learning games on tablets that can help kids with learning; I think they should definitely be used in the classrooms.
Connection to teaching: Personally, I believe tablets, Smart boards, computers, anything technology wise, really helps students visually and auditory understand the subject better-I will use them whenever I can.
Lastly, I visited Shanay’s blog and she had a post about Miss Kindergarten. This was a great tool to help kindergartners learn how to surf the web. They are at a young age, and I think this tool is so helpful in teaching them the beginning of using the internet. I would definitely use this in my classroom if I were teaching kindergartners.

Connection to teaching: I would use this tool for kindergartners, and if I was teaching older grades, there is probably a tool on how to effectively search the web as well. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Get Crafty for Winter

Snowy Day Inspiration
This winter, give students a break and let them get crafty! I love this idea because students get to use paint and get messy :) The idea is for the kids to think about what they want to be when they grow up. Once they have a future occupation in mind, they make a snowman to look just like the person they want to become! 

First, teachers can get the crafts from JoAnn Fabrics using Teacher Rewards. 
Materials Needed: 
  • white paint
  • blue construction paper
  • Sharpies (variety of colors)
  • plastic, clear photo frames
  • paint brushes 
  • white paint pen
Students can use their fingers in the white paint to create the snowmen. Then, decorate the snowmen how they want with Sharpie & write "When I grow up..." in white pen on their project. Last, but not least, they can frame their artwork so everyone can see!

Boom Writer

Boom Writer is the new way to inspire creative writing in your classroom!! 
Boom Writer Blog

Boom Writer

Teachers presents all kinds of writing-nonfiction, narrative, persuasive. Creative writing is always forgotten about in the classroom! Many times, it is hard for students to find inspiration on what to write about. This fun, interactive tool uses technology and writing for students to learn how to get started on creative writing. 
How it works: the website gives the students a start to a story->students then pick characters->once finished, they submit their work for reviews & revisions->the class voting begins->students do not know who wrote the pieces (their work is anonymous)->winning selections become the book's next chapter! Students will love this way to write stories, since they get to read everyone else's, and impress the class with their own. Boom Writer is putting the fun back into writing! This will also help students get all the practice they need to become experienced writers!